Ghost[gohst] Unabridged (v 1.1)
1. the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living persons.
2. a mere shadow or semblance; a trace: He's a ghost of his former self.
3. a remote possibility: He hasn't a ghost of a chance.
4. (sometimes initial capital letter) a spiritual being.
5. the principle of life; soul; spirit.
6. Informal. ghost writer.
7. a secondary image, esp. one appearing on a television screen as a white shadow, caused by poor or double reception or by a defect in the receiver.
8. Also called ghost image. Photography. a faint secondary or out-of-focus image in a photographic print or negative resulting from reflections within the camera lens.
9. an oral word game in which each player in rotation adds a letter to those supplied by preceding players, the object being to avoid ending a word.
10. Optics. a series of false spectral lines produced by a diffraction grating with unevenly spaced lines.
11. Metalworking. a streak appearing on a freshly machined piece of steel containing impurities.
12. a red blood cell having no hemoglobin.
13. a fictitious employee, business, etc., fabricated esp. for the purpose of manipulating funds or avoiding taxes: Investigation showed a payroll full of ghosts.
–verb (used with object)
14. to ghostwrite (a book, speech, etc.).
15. to haunt.
16. Engraving. to lighten the background of (a photograph) before engraving.
–verb (used without object)
17. to ghostwrite.
18. to go about or move like a ghost.
19. (of a sailing vessel) to move when there is no perceptible wind.
20. to pay people for work not performed, esp. as a way of manipulating funds.
21. fabricated for purposes of deception or fraud: We were making contributions to a ghost company.
22. give up the ghost,
a. to die.
b. to cease to function or exist.

bef. 900; ME goost (n.), OE gāst; c. G Geist spirit


Spirit  Pronunciation (spir-it) Unabridged (v 1.1)

1. the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.
2. the incorporeal part of humans: present in spirit though absent in body.
3. the soul regarded as separating from the body at death.
4. conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit.
5. a supernatural, incorporeal being, esp. one inhabiting a place, object, etc., or having a particular character: evil spirits.
6. a fairy, sprite, or elf.
7. an angel or demon.
8. an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling, or action: the spirit of reform.
9. (initial capital letter) the divine influence as an agency working in the human heart.
10. a divine, inspiring, or animating being or influence. Num. 11:25; Is. 32:15.
11. (initial capital letter) the third person of the Trinity; Holy Spirit.
12. the soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action: a man of broken spirit.
13. spirits, feelings or mood with regard to exaltation or depression: low spirits; good spirits.
14. excellent disposition or attitude in terms of vigor, courage, firmness of intent, etc.; mettle: That's the spirit!
15. temper or disposition: meek in spirit.
16. an individual as characterized by a given attitude, disposition, character, action, etc.: A few brave spirits remained to face the danger.
17. the dominant tendency or character of anything: the spirit of the age.
18. vigorous sense of membership in a group: college spirit.
19. the general meaning or intent of a statement, document, etc. (opposed to letter ): the spirit of the law.
20. Chemistry. the essence or active principle of a substance as extracted in liquid form, esp. by distillation.
21. Often, spirits. a strong distilled alcoholic liquor.
22. Chiefly British. alcohol.
23. Pharmacology. a solution in alcohol of an essential or volatile principle; essence.
24. any of certain subtle fluids formerly supposed to permeate the body.
25. the Spirit, God.
26. pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.
27. of or pertaining to spiritualist bodies or activities.
–verb (used with object)
28. to animate with fresh ardor or courage; inspirit.
29. to encourage; urge on or stir up, as to action.
30. to carry off mysteriously or secretly (often fol. by away or off): His captors spirited him away.
31. out of spirits, in low spirits; depressed: We were feeling out of spirits after so many days of rain.

1200–50; ME (n.) < L spīritus orig., a breathing, equiv. to spīri-, comb. form repr. spīrāre to breathe + -tus suffix of v. action








corporeal     Pronunciation   (kôr-pôr'ē-əl, -pōr'-)

American Heritage Dictionary -

  1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body. See Synonyms at bodily.
  2. Of a material nature; tangible
  3. .[From Latin corporeus, from corpus, corpor-, body; see kwrep- in Indo-European roots.]
    cor·po're·al'i·ty (-āl'ĭ-tē), cor·po're·al·ness n., cor·po're·al·ly





apocalypse       Pronunciation (ə-pŏk'ə-lĭps')

American Heritage Dictionary -

    1. Apocalypse Abbr. Apoc. Bible The Book of Revelation.
    2. Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second century B.C. to the second century A.D.
    3. containing prophetic or symbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous.
  2. Great or total devastation; doom: the apocalypse of nuclear war.
  3. A prophetic disclosure; a revelation.


Emmanuel  Pronunciation (i-man-yoo-uhl,)
Online Etymology Dictionary

1. male personal name, from Gk. form of Heb. Immanu'el, lit. "God is with us."


Magnificat   Pronunciation   (māg-nĭf'ĭ-kāt')  

American Heritage Dictionary -

    1. The canticle beginning Magnificat anima mea Dominum ("My soul doth magnify the Lord").
    2. A musical setting of this canticle.
  2. magnificat A hymn or song of praise.
[Middle English, from Medieval Latin, from Latin magnificat, it magnifies, third person sing. present tense of magnificāre, to magnify, extol; see magnify


fiat      Pronunciation  (fē'ət, -āt', -ät', fī'āt', -ət)

American Heritage Dictionary
  1. An arbitrary order or decree.
  2. Authorization or sanction: government fiat.
  3. [Medieval Latin, from Latin, let it be done, third person sing. present subjunctive of fierī, to become, to be done; see bheuə- in Indo-European roots.]



Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share ThisThe American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

1. 1384, from fiat lux "let there be light" in the Book of Genesis, from L. fiat "let it be done" (also used in the opening of M.L. proclamations and commands), third pers. sing. pres. subjunctive of fieri, used as passive of facere "to make, do" (see factitious).

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper







Seven heavenly virtues (as found in  the Wikipedia) Do go there as Wikipedia is fast becoming the best gathering of shared knowledge on earth and in my opinion exemplifies the fundamental basis which "the internet" was "created" for)

There is another list of the seven virtues to oppose the seven deadly sins. The "Seven heavenly virtues" were derived from the Psychomachia ("Contest of the Soul"), an epic poem written by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (c. AD 410) entailing the battle of good virtues and evil vices. The intense popularity of this work in the Middle Ages helped to spread the concept of holy virtue throughout Europe. Practicing these virtues is considered to protect one against temptation from the seven deadly sins, with each one having its counterpart. Due to this they are sometimes referred to as the contrary virtues. Each of the seven heavenly virtues matches a corresponding deadly sin.

Virtue   Latin   Gloss   (Vice )  (Latin)   Virtue's Meaning  
Chastity Castitas Purity Lust Luxuria Courage and boldness. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought through education and betterment.
Abstinence Frenum Self-Control Gluttony Gula Constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation.
Liberality Liberalitas Will, Generosity Greed Avaritia Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.
Diligence Industria Persistence, Effort Sloth Acedia A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness.
Patience Patientia Peace Wrath Ira Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive; to show mercy to sinners.
Kindness Humanitas Satisfaction Envy Invidia Charity, compassion, friendship, and sympathy without prejudice and for its own sake.
Humility Humilitas Bravery, Modesty Pride Superbia Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.


Cardinal and theological virtues (as found in  the Wikipedia)

The seven virtues of Christian theology consist of a combination of the four Cardinal virtues and the three Theological virtues.
Type   Virtue   Meaning  
Cardinal Prudence proper judgment of reasons for action with regard to appropriateness in a context
Cardinal Justice proper judgment regarding individual human interests, rights and desserts
Cardinal Restraint or Temperance practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation
Cardinal Courage or Fortitude forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation
Theological Faith steadfastness in belief
Theological Hope expectation of good
Theological Love or Charity selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness





"Paid the Price"( Here it is being taken into consideration that "Mary and Joseph" were living under the laws of the Old Covenant, but more than likely unbeknownst to them they were actually living  in a transition period between The Old Covenant and the fulfillment of same, which is The New Covenant )...

By "paid the price" it is meant that, it seems within the Old covenant  that everyone of the "prophets" (and principle figures within Scripture) actually "paid a price" for their commitment to the Word of the Father by trials of body and spirit, and by living out hardships while staying within "the law", (all 613 Mitzvoth) yet keeping their focus on their (and our) Loving Father, even if it was, seemingly, the path of physical and mental obedience that lead them to love of heart.



But it would seem that under the New Covenant we ""cash in on the deal" by accepting the fact that Jesus "did the paying" and we are able  to "cash in on it" by committing ourselves in a Spirit of heart, and if that commitment requires bodily or mental trials in order to bring our individual spirit to perfection be that, if it is Gods Will ... it is all good.....

So once and again, it is the same as the Old Testaments "desire" but achieved from a different angle. 





Literal [lit-er-uhl]



1). being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"-G.K.Chesterton;"a genuine dilemma" [syn: actual]

2). without interpretation or embellishment; "a literal depiction of the scene before him" 

3). limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; "a literal translation" [ant: figurative]

4). avoiding embellishment or exaggeration (used for emphasis); "it's the literal truth.






Figurative [fig-yer-uh-tiv] Unabridged (v 1.1)

1). of the nature of or involving a figure of speech, esp. a metaphor; metaphorical; not literal: a figurative expression

2). metaphorically so called: His remark was a figurative boomerang

3). abounding in or fond of figures of speech: Elizabethan poetry is highly figurative

4). representing by means of a figure or likeness, as in drawing or sculpture

5). representing by a figure or emblem; emblematic






Lateral Pronunciation (lāt'ər-əl)



1). situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson

2). lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus"



1). a pass to a receiver up field from the passer





anecdote [an-ik-doht] Unabridged (v 1.1)



1). a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical.






"I Tell You The Truth" or "Tharly Tharly I Say Onto You" or "Amen Amen I Say Onto You" depending of which English translation You prefer.


In all of the New Testament, it was found, twenty four (24) times in the New International Version (NIV) of the Good Book, where Jesus is quoted as using the words "I tell you the Truth".

Six (6) of those times are the Quote being "retold" by another Gospel writer or in the case of (Matthew 17:20 and 21:21) the same quote being used twice in different teachings... leaving only 18 times Jesus ever was recorded as having said it) this is as accurate as this old man could get, please let me know is you find out different.  







The term R.S.V.P. comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond".





totem [toh-tuhm] Unabridged (v 1.1)



1). a natural object or an animate being, as an animal or bird, assumed as the emblem of a clan, family, or group.

2). an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or sib considers itself closely related

3). a representation of such an object serving as the distinctive mark of the clan or group

4). anything serving as a distinctive, often venerated, emblem or symbol




( in this metaphoric sense "resistor"  is an electrical  term of a hardware component which aids an NPN transistor in opening its gate allowing the positive current to flow, and without it the transistor is rendered useless )






Inflected Form(s):
plural en·mi·ties
Middle English enmite, from Anglo-French enemité, enemisté, from enemi enemy
13th century
: positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will







déjà vu
dā-zhä-vü, -vue
French, adjective, literally, already seen

1 a: the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time

    b: a feeling that one has seen or heard something before

2: something overly or unpleasantly familiar



Middle English reparacion, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin reparation-, reparatio, from Latin reparare
Date: 14th century
1 a: a repairing or keeping in repair bplural : repairs
2 a: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury b: something done or given as amends or satisfaction
3: the payment of damages : indemnification ; specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation —usually used in plural







